Women with a history of certain diseases and habits are thought to have a tendency to give birth prematurely. Called babies born prematurely, before 37 weeks' gestation in the mother's womb. Premature birth can be caused by various factors which are often difficult to predict. Premature babies, especially those born before reaching 32 weeks, often experience various health problems. Factors That Can Cause Premature Labor Some factors that can trigger babies born prematurely, include: Infection Some cases of preterm birth are caused by bacterial infections in the reproductive system and urinary tract. Bacteria release substances that can weaken the membrane around the amniotic sac and cause premature rupture of membranes. This bacterium can also cause inflammation and infection of the uterus, even when the membrane that surrounds the uterus is still intact. This condition causes babies born prematurely. As for infections that can cause premature birth, including: Sexu...